Think Beyond - New Thought, New World!

Think Beyond - New Thought, New World!

Focus on mental health issues among LGBTQ+ teenagers in India by promoting awareness and providing support.

Soch Beyond

Social Media Campaign, a part of my college which aims to reduce the stigma around mental health issues among LGBTQ+ teenagers. Believing that every young person deserves to feel happy, healthy, and accepted for who they are.

The LGBTQ+ community is more prone to mental health disorders. As they grow into adulthood, it becomes even harder for them to accept their identity, leading to further mental and physical health problems. The goal was to create awareness among families, society, and government in order to accept them as they are without judgement.

Rectify a solution which will help eliminate or control troubling symptoms so a person can function better and can increase well-being and overall healing.

Focus Area

It is important to support the LGBTQ+ community, especially young people who are more vulnerable. Soch Beyond could try help break down barriers and prejudices and make it easier for LGBTQ+ people to interact with the world without feeling self-conscious.

Need of the hour?


Sustainable Advertising.

Broadly speaking sustainable advertising considers the carbon footprint and other negative environmental impacts associated with a specific advertising medium. Interestingly, it is radio advertising that has by far the lowest CO2 emissions of all media.

To ensure longevity of an idea or a campaign, it is essential to incorporate digital platforms to create awareness without harming the environment. Soch Beyond campaign endeavours to adopt this strategy catering to the masses while adhering to these values.